Posts Tagged ‘ imagination ’

Everything You Need To Write Your Social Media Content, You Can Learn From Sex: 4 Hot Tips

  1. It’s not the size of the boat. It’s the motion of the ocean. Nobody cares how long your blog posts are or even how often you post them. What counts is that your content schedule has a rhythm that’s right for you and your readers.
  2. It’s better to play with others than with yourself. Social Media is social. Engage, interact, comment, and respond.
  3. Lubrication helps. It’s easy to get uptight about what you’re posting and how you look out there, but remember to have fun too. Flirt, laugh, and play on the Internet to draw more followers and fans.
  4. Imagination trumps knowledge. Let your creativity drive when you’re engaging in social media. The art form is so new, there’s just not that much to know yet!
Sexy Grammar invites the writer in you to a turned on, engaged, and unapologetic creative life. We believe that sex and writing go hand in hand and that the creative process can be thrilling, pleasurable, and satisfying. Ready for your free Private Session?

Everything You Need To Write Your Novel, You Can Learn From Sex: 4 Hot Tips

  1. The uninhibited shall be rewarded. Letting loose with your most imaginative storylines will set your fiction free. Don’t be a prudish writer.
  2. Your interests are normal and healthy. Even your most outlandish ideas have an audience. Let your freak flag fly in your writing.
  3. You need release. It’s downright painful to keep the creative force inside you pent up. Avoid literary blue balls with a daily writing regimen.
  4. Everyone loves a climax. A climactic conclusion doesn’t have to be the point of your story, but you’ll get better reviews if your readers feel like they’ve had a satisfying ride.
Sexy Grammar invites the writer in you to a turned on, engaged, and unapologetic creative life. We believe that sex and writing go hand in hand and that the creative process can be thrilling, pleasurable, and satisfying. Ready for your free Private Session?

Day 5 observations, a movie, and another blog

Today’s Word Count Goal: 14750

Today’s Word Count So-Far: 8811

Total Word Count Goal: 50,000

I know much more about pigeons than I ever did before. Today I caught myself stalking a fine, dark-gray specimen in circles in a gutter on Mission Street. And I’m stretching my imagination much more than I’ve asked it to stretch in years.

I’m way behind on my word-count, but I’ll make it up this weekend.

I’m finding all kinds of fascinating themes to explore about pigeons. Very few of them are kid-book friendly, but I’m not letting that stop me.

So please enjoy this very kid-friendly movie about pigeons. I feel just like Bert when he says, “Boy, just looking at these pigeons makes me feel terrific!”

And now that I’ve entertained you, please go over to my WriMo pal Eric’s blog and give him the love and encouragement he deserves. He’s been writing 50,000+ words every November since at least 2004, and lately, he’s blogging about it everyday.


Watch the Sexy Grammarian participate in National Novel Writing Month for the third year in a row. I’ll post word counts and worries here daily, Tweet about it, raise funds for the Office of Letters And Light, and host Meet Me/Tweet Me open loft writing sessions all month long.